Covid-19 (Coronavirus) Archives - Visa Go Australia Australian Migration Agents - Visas for working and living in Australia Thu, 08 Dec 2022 03:02:20 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 180245422 Australia needs skilled workers – Get your free visa! Thu, 20 Jan 2022 17:16:37 +0000 Australia has long relied on skilled worker to fill jobs and support their economy. In the wake of the pandemic the stats are clear – Australia needs skilled workers. Australia needs skilled workers As a result of the Covid pandemic, Australia faces massive labour shortages. The mass exodus of temporary visa holders and closed borders […]

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Australia has long relied on skilled worker to fill jobs and support their economy. In the wake of the pandemic the stats are clear – Australia needs skilled workers.

Australia needs skilled workers

As a result of the Covid pandemic, Australia faces massive labour shortages. The mass exodus of temporary visa holders and closed borders has created skill shortages across the country.

Australia shed nearly 600,000 temporary visa holders in 2020, many of whom were skilled workers.

Australia’s hospitality and tourism industries have continued to express concern about their hiring struggles during the Covid pandemic. Public-facing businesses rely on casual workers, many of whom are temporary visa holders. Without students and backpackers, Australian businesses and economic growth stagnates.

Encouraging skilled workers back to Australia

Australia has locked out international students and backpackers since March 2020 – nearly two years! Fortunately, Australia reopened to some skilled temporary visa holders on 15 December 2021. This included working holiday makers, regional skilled visa holders and students.

See if you qualify for a working holiday visa

It is anticipated that reopening the borders to selected skilled visa holders will fill job vacancies.

Free Australian visas

Australia’s Government has changed its message this week, with Scott Morrison announcing free visas for students and working holiday makers. Moreover, student visa holders can now work more than 20 hours per week.

Starting today, student visa fees will be waived for the next 8 weeks. Working holiday visa fees will also be scrapped for the next 12 weeks. This is a massive investment in Australia’s tourism and skilled labour force; a huge gesture to welcome back migrants. You can learn more about applying for a visa application fee rebate on the Department website.

There are currently 23, 5000 working holiday visa holders who are yet to go to Australia.

Mr Morrison is hopeful this will encourage people to “…join our workforce and help us in our agricultural sector, in our hospitality sector, and so many of the other parts of the economy that rely on that labour”.

It is worth noting that regional work requirements remain for working holiday visa holders.

If you require assistance with an application, you can complete our free online assessment.

Read the full press conference now

Australia needs skilled workers

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Australian Travel Update – Border restrictions ease Tue, 23 Nov 2021 11:29:28 +0000 The Government has announced an important Australian travel update. Australian Travel Update From 15 December 2021, Australia will open its borders to a number of fully vaccinated travellers. Since March 2020, Australia has enforced some of the world’s tightest border controls, including on its own citizens. Previously, only Australian citizens, permanent residents and immediate family […]

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The Government has announced an important Australian travel update.

Australian Travel Update

From 15 December 2021, Australia will open its borders to a number of fully vaccinated travellers.

Since March 2020, Australia has enforced some of the world’s tightest border controls, including on its own citizens. Previously, only Australian citizens, permanent residents and immediate family members were allowed to enter Australia under covid restrictions. This exciting travel update opens Australia’s borders to a number of eligible visa holders.

Who can enter Australia?

Eligible visa holders include a variety of temporary and provisional visa holders. This includes students, working holiday makers and regional skilled visas holders. A complete list of eligible visa holders can be viewed on the Government website.

Australian Travel Update

Travellers are encouraged to read over covid requirements closely before arranging travel. Vaccine and covid test requirements are detailed on the Government website. Moreover, strict quarantine requirements still exist in some states. State and Territory information can be found here.

Are tourists included in this update?

Visitor visas (651, 601, and 600) are not included in this Australian travel update. Therefore, potential tourists are still required to apply for, and be granted, a travel exemption. The Department’s website details who may be granted a travel exemption upon application.

If you require advice you can complete our Visa Assessment, and we will send you some free and personalised information.

We also offer visa consultations with an experienced Migration Agent for just £60.

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Have Australian borders reopened? Mon, 18 Oct 2021 12:09:40 +0000 Have Australian borders reopened? Last week, news headlines ‘Australia is re-opening’ created excitement for many. Since March 2020, Australia has enforced some of the strictest border controls, separating families and disrupting social cohesion. There are many people wishing to both leave and enter Australia, and as we look closer at Australia’s announcement, we explain what […]

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Have Australian borders reopened? Last week, news headlines ‘Australia is re-opening’ created excitement for many. Since March 2020, Australia has enforced some of the strictest border controls, separating families and disrupting social cohesion. There are many people wishing to both leave and enter Australia, and as we look closer at Australia’s announcement, we explain what this means.

Who can currently enter Australia?

Entry is permitted for Australian citizens, permanent residents, and those few in exempt categories. This has remained the same, with no confirmed details about when Australia will allow temporary visa holders to enter.

However, Australia’s Prime Minister has confirmed that skilled visa holders and international students are next in line, once overseas Australian residents have returned. This is hopeful, and we predict Australian borders may open further in mid-2022.

Why Australians are unable to go home

The primary reason for Australians being unable to return is the high cost of quarantine, and the small number of quarantine facilities available. Currently, any traveller entering the country must complete a 14-day isolation in a designated hotel, costing upwards of $3,000 AUD. Limited quarantine facilities meant the introduction of flights caps, resulting in small numbers of people entering Australia every week. A backlog of Australians wanting to return home remains.

Last month it was reported that over 45,000 Australians are stranded overseas and have registered for government help (repatriation flights). The most recent repatriation flight offered from London to Darwin sold out in just 6 minutes.

Australian borders – What has changed?

Australians can travel overseas

As part of its Covid strategy, Australia banned its citizens from leaving the country without an exemption. The Australian Government has now confirmed that once a state reaches 80% vaccination rate, they can reopen. This means most Australians can leave and travel overseas to visit family.

Check Australia’s vaccination rates on the Department of Health website.

This announcement does not yet mean Australia is open to tourism. Moreover, temporary visa holders cannot yet leave Australia as they are not guaranteed re-entrance under the current rules.

Changes to Australian quarantine

Soon, fully vaccinated travellers will be able to quarantine at home. Trials have been successful in NSW and SA, and the Government is pushing forward to make this Australia-wide. By allowing Australians to leave and then home-quarantine on return, families can be reunited, and hotel quarantine freed up for those who are unvaccinated. Australia’s flight caps will be reviewed (and hopefully increased) at the end of this month. These are promising developments.

Australian borders closed due to covid

Australian borders have been tightly controlled since the Covid pandemic.









Discover your Australian visa options today.

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Australian Skilled Visa Update Thu, 12 Aug 2021 13:12:50 +0000 Applying for an Australian skilled visa is a lengthy and complicated process. The purpose of Australia’s skilled migration program is to fill gaps in Australia’s workforce to grow their economy. This is reflected in Australia’s skilled occupation lists and state sponsorship requirements, both of which dictate who can secure a visa to live and work […]

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Applying for an Australian skilled visa is a lengthy and complicated process. The purpose of Australia’s skilled migration program is to fill gaps in Australia’s workforce to grow their economy. This is reflected in Australia’s skilled occupation lists and state sponsorship requirements, both of which dictate who can secure a visa to live and work in Australia.

With covid rocking world economies and threatening global health systems, securing a skilled visa has become more difficult and changes are occurring on a more frequent basis. Below, we outline the most recent changes impacting overseas skilled visa applicants.

Speak with a licensed migration agent today

States reopen sponsorship programs

As Australian states reopen their sponsorship programs, there is much confusion about who is eligible. Below, we outline the basic eligibility for offshore applicants.

  • South Australia is open to limited offshore applicants. We have had two clients successfully gain South Australian sponsorship and invitations to apply for their skilled visas in less than 2 weeks!
  • Tasmania is open to offshore applicants with a job offer. We have had one client successfully secure a job offer, receive an invitation, and lodge their skilled visa within one month.
  • New South Wales, Western Australia, ACT and Victoria are closed to offshore applicants.
  • Queensland remains temporarily closed. We do not expect them to open to offshore applicants anytime soon given the current climate.

To summarise, offshore applicants can only apply to South Australia or Tasmania (job offer) for state sponsorship. Options continue to be very limited, and we encourage our clients to take whatever options are available to them (if any).

South Australia occupation list

Tasmania occupation list

There is much excitement about states reopening, but the reality is that it generally applies to onshore applicants only. If you want to understand your visa options, then seek advice from a licensed migration agent. We charge just £60 for a consultation with our agent. Determining your exact visa options before spending large amounts of money on the process is advisable.

Skill Assessment Fee Increases

A skills assessment is the first process in securing an Australian skilled visa. Each occupation has a different assessing body with different requirements and fees.

Trades Recognition Australia (TRA) will increase their fees on 1 September 2021. TRA announced this the Federal Budget 2021-22. You can find their latest fees on the TRA website.

Learn more about emigrating to Australia as a tradesperson

Teachers can expect a fee increase on 1 September 2021 also. The Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) will increase their fee from $860 to $1050 AUD.

Learn more about the costs and processes of emigrating to Australia as a teacher

Vetassess professional occupations – Changes to required evidence

On 9 August 2021, Vetassess changed the way professional occupations evidence their work experience. New forms have been created for selected professional occupations to complete as part of their skills assessment. This is to enable applicants to present their portfolio of work in a more streamlined and concise manner.

Certain applicants must download and fill in the editable form, then log on to the online application portal to upload it as part of the documentation requirements.

The new forms will be used to support skills assessment applications in the below occupations:

  • Conference and Event Organiser
  • ICT Sales Professionals
  • Technical Sales Representatives
  • ICT Sales Representative
  • Sales Representative (Industrial Products)
  • ICT Account Manager
  • Sales Representative (Medical and Pharmaceutical Products)
  • Technical Sales Representative nec
  • ICT Business Development Manager
  • Farmers and farm-related occupations

For Designers and Draftspersons, you should provide a link to your portfolio or upload samples of your design work.

Download the PDF of VETASSESS occupations

See if you qualify for a skilled visa today

While Australia is still accepting skilled visa applications, it has become a more difficult and lengthy process. If you would like an honest and professional service then we recommend booking a consultation with an experienced and licensed migration agent. Best of luck!

Book a visa consultation for just £60 today!

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Australia’s Covid Strategy – Re-opening the Borders Wed, 14 Jul 2021 08:38:52 +0000 A look into how Covid has changed Australia’s immigration policies and how they plan to recover from the pandemic. How Covid has impacted Australia Since the beginning of the Covid pandemic more than 21 million Covid tests have been undertaken in Australia, with 30,685 confirmed cases and 910 deaths (people who died with COVID). In […]

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A look into how Covid has changed Australia’s immigration policies and how they plan to recover from the pandemic.

How Covid has impacted Australia

Since the beginning of the Covid pandemic more than 21 million Covid tests have been undertaken in Australia, with 30,685 confirmed cases and 910 deaths (people who died with COVID). In comparison, there have been 182 million cases and over 3.9 million deaths (people who died with COVID) globally.

In analysing Australia’s figures, understandably much of the world is seeing Australia as a world leader in this crisis. Most Australians have continued a ‘relatively normal’ life throughout, with small periodic lockdowns fewer and less constricting than other nations such as the UK.

Given so many countries are still suffering with Covid outbreaks, it is understandable that Australia is reluctant to open its borders to international travellers.

Australia’s Covid travel restrictions

In March 2020, Australia closed its borders to all non-residents and later introduced flight caps. Australian residents cannot currently leave the country without a travel exemption. Strict border controls, lower density living and wide-open spaces are the primary reasons for Covid not impacting Australia as severely as other nations. New Zealand adopted a similar approach, also managing to control the transmission of the virus. Considering this success, Australians are overwhelmingly reluctant to open their borders.

As time passes though, it is evident that keeping a country closed is untenable in as much as it is unpopular, with mounting pressure on the Government to let family members into Australia. In 2020 more than 7.6 million people living in Australia were born overseas. The largest groups of overseas-born residents were born in England, India and China. It is important for social cohesion that families be reunited; to enter and leave the country for compassionate reasons.

Currently, only immediate family members (children and spouses) of Australian permanent residents or citizens can enter the country. Parents are not included in the ‘immediate family’ category for travel exemptions. You can see full and current details on the Department website.

Australia’s plan to reopen borders

Australia’s Prime Minister Scott Morrison has released a media statement to confirm a National Plan to transition Australia’s National COVID-19 Response.

The plan consists of four phases, each designed to slowly reconnect Australia with the rest of the world as their population becomes vaccinated against Covid-19.

  1. Current Phase: Vaccinate, Prepare and Pilot – Continue to suppress the virus for the purpose of minimising community transmission
  2. Post Vaccination Phase – Seek to minimise serious illness, hospitalisation and fatality as a result of COVID-19
  3. Consolidation Phase – Manage COVID-19 consistent with public health management of other infectious disease
  4. Final Phase – Manage COVID-19 consistent with public health management of other infectious diseases

The final phase provides the most hope for international movement, when uncapped inbound arrivals may be permitted.

Essentially, the plan is that Australian lockdowns will cease, and their international borders will re-open as COVID-19 vaccination rates rise.

You can view the National Plan to transition Australia’s National COVID-19 Response here.

If you require visa assistance you can arrange a consultation with our licensed agent, or complete our free online eligibility assessments:

Skilled visas

Partner visas

Parent visas

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Australia Covid Update – Revised flight caps and home quarantine trials Fri, 09 Jul 2021 15:38:09 +0000 Australia Covid Update Today the National Cabinet met to provide an Australia covid update, including revised policies affecting international arrivals. As Australia tries to suppress the Covid-19 virus, the recent Sydney outbreak and vaccine rollout were also deliberated. An overview of the policy changes are outlined below. You can read the full media statement on […]

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Australia Covid Update

Today the National Cabinet met to provide an Australia covid update, including revised policies affecting international arrivals. As Australia tries to suppress the Covid-19 virus, the recent Sydney outbreak and vaccine rollout were also deliberated.

An overview of the policy changes are outlined below. You can read the full media statement on the Government website.

Changes to international arrivals

Passenger Arrivals

All airlines have been informed that international air passenger arrival caps will be temporarily halved by 14 July 2021.

By 12.01am Wednesday 14 July 2021, the following arrangements will apply until 11.59pm Tuesday 31 August 2021:

  • New South Wales – 1,505 per week (215 per day);
  • Queensland – 650 per week (including surge capacity);
  • Victoria – 500 per week;
  • South Australia – 265 per week; and
  • Western Australian – 265 per week.

After 31 August 2021 these numbers will be reviewed and decided in accordance with the current Covid climate.

Facilitated commercial flights

The number of facilitated commercial flights (FCFs) into Darwin for quarantine have been increased. To support returning Australians to access flights, 29 FCFs are being arranged for July and August. Registered Australians in the UK will be contacted directly by the High Commission about these flights.

Vaccine and quarantine status

Vaccination status declaration

The Commonwealth will update the Australian Travel Declaration (ATD) from 16 July 2021 to include information on inbound arrivals vaccination status. This will include date, country, brand and dose of COVID-19 vaccination.

Home quarantine arrangements

National Cabinet agreed to commence National Cabinet pilots of home quarantine for fully vaccinated travelers who had been vaccinated in Australia, with an Australian approved vaccination, arriving from low and medium risk countries.

Under the trial, fully vaccinated travelers will still have to spend two weeks in quarantine, but at their residence. The Government is hopeful this will take pressure off the hotel quarantine system.

South Australia has committed to commence the first trial, however there is no definite timeframe as to when this will start.

If you require visa advice you can book a consultation with our licensed Migration Agent.

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Covid Travel Update – New occupations added to PMSOL Mon, 05 Jul 2021 13:58:11 +0000 New occupations added to PMSOL Australia’s PMSOL (Priority Migration Skilled Occupation List) has nearly doubled following the addition of 22 new occupations. The PMSOL is temporary and updated in accordance with Australia’s labour shortages. The Government liaises with employers, business leaders and industry bodies to determine occupations in need. These most recent changes saw multiple […]

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New occupations added to PMSOL

Australia’s PMSOL (Priority Migration Skilled Occupation List) has nearly doubled following the addition of 22 new occupations.

The PMSOL is temporary and updated in accordance with Australia’s labour shortages. The Government liaises with employers, business leaders and industry bodies to determine occupations in need. These most recent changes saw multiple engineering, finance and IT occupations added.

The current Priority Migration Skilled Occupation List can be found on the Department website.

About the PMSOL

Australia’s PMSOL (Priority Migration Skilled Occupation List) was introduced in September 2020 to address critical skills shortages and support Australia’s economic recovery from COVID-19.

Applicants with a valid visa and an occupation on the PMSOL should receive priority processing.

“Employer sponsored nomination and visa applications with an occupation on the PMSOL will be given priority processing. All other skilled occupation lists will remain active, but the PMSOL occupations will take priority.” (The Department of Home Affairs 2021).

Applying for a Skilled Visa

It is still possible to lodge a skilled visa application for Australia, however it is extremely difficult to obtain an invitation to apply. Consequently, applicants should ensure they have maximum skills points and consider applying for state nomination to increase their chances.

The massive demand for visas and the COVID travel bans are causing extensive processing delays for many applicants. However, working with a reputable Migration Agent like Visa Go Australia can put you in the best position for being selected to apply for a skilled visa.

We work with our clients to ensure they remain updated and have the best chances of securing their visa. You can obtain a detailed quote by filling in our online assessment for free here:

You can learn more about the skilled visa on our dedicated webpage.

Book a consultation with our Australian Migration Agent Darren Chatt MARN:0211214.

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An update from our Migration Agent Mon, 15 Mar 2021 14:48:24 +0000 Last year our migration agent Darren Chatt travelled to Australia for family and work commitments. As an Australian citizen he can enter the country during the strict COVID travel restrictions. Below, he explains what Australian life is like during the COVID pandemic. Darren also reveals he is connecting with local employers to provide our clients […]

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Last year our migration agent Darren Chatt travelled to Australia for family and work commitments. As an Australian citizen he can enter the country during the strict COVID travel restrictions.

Below, he explains what Australian life is like during the COVID pandemic. Darren also reveals he is connecting with local employers to provide our clients with exciting job opportunities.

Flight cancellations and hotel quarantine

“After expecting to be in Perth at the start of September, two cancelled flights saw me finally arrive late into November. I experienced 2 weeks in lockdown at a hotel in Perth before being allowed to travel south to my family home near Busselton.

It was a very challenging time and gave me first hand experience of the difficulties faced by fellow citizens and permanent residents trying to return to Australia.

I am due to fly back to Scotland in April, but with no flights available and further international border closures, this is unlikely to happen. Given the current situation, I will be focusing on onshore visa applications and employment opportunities, of which there are many. I have set up an Australian office in Busselton, Western Australia and am working closely with companies looking to sponsor skilled applicants to WA.”

Job opportunities in Australia

“A local company (WA) is looking to sponsor six qualified Painters and Decorators, and the two applications lodged just 6 weeks ago are already at the approval stage.

A Perth company that is set up to sponsor Welders, Metal Fabricators and Metal Machinists is desperately looking for employees. Last year he sponsored over 40 tradesmen under the 482 visa category.

With the State and Australian Government offering A$45,000 to anyone who buys a house and starts building before Feb 2021, the housing industry is booming. There is a huge shortage of Electricians, Carpenters, Tilers, etc. and there are just not enough of these skilled tradesmen to cope with the demand.”

Read more about Australia’s economic response to COVID.

Increasing visa options for our clients

“This is good news for our clients, but we need the Australian Government to start processing the employee sponsored visas again, and subsequently the states to start sponsoring overseas applicants. I am hoping this will happening on the 1st July when the new allocation of visas is declared by the Australian Government.

It is actually a good time for me to be in Australia, and with Kimberley managing the Edinburgh office and Sue the London office, everything is running very smoothly. Recently I met up with some of our previous clients and enjoyed hearing of their experiences in settling into their new lives in Australia. It has been a very positive couple of months and I’m looking forward to securing a wide range of job opportunities for our clients. We just need the Australian government to start opening the borders!”

If you require migration advice you can book a consultation with Darren or complete our free online assessment.

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Entering Australia during COVID Thu, 11 Mar 2021 10:50:23 +0000 Australia continues to have strict border measures, flight caps and quarantine requirements in place. Below, we outline details of entering Australia during COVID. Who can enter Australia? Australian citizens, permanent residents and select exempt categories can currently enter Australia. On arrival, passengers must complete 2 weeks quarantine in a designated hotel. The costs must be […]

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Australia continues to have strict border measures, flight caps and quarantine requirements in place. Below, we outline details of entering Australia during COVID.

Who can enter Australia?

Australian citizens, permanent residents and select exempt categories can currently enter Australia. On arrival, passengers must complete 2 weeks quarantine in a designated hotel. The costs must be covered by the passenger. A guide to quarantining can be found on the Department website.

What do I need to do before flying?

Entering Australia during COVID requires preparation. All passengers must complete the following:

  • COVID Test – Passengers travelling to or transiting through Australia must provide evidence of a negative COVID-19 (PCR) test to their airline, taken 72 hours or less before their scheduled departure. Passengers who fail to do so will not be allowed to fly.
  • Travel Declaration – Before you travel to Australia, you must complete the Australia Travel Declaration.
  • Masks – Facemasks must be worn on all international flights, including at airports. Full information can be found at Department of Health website.

Where can I find travel updates?

The Department of Home Affairs website will be updated as circumstances change.

Details on refunds and waivers of visa application charges can be found here:

Coronavirus (COVID-19) advice for international travelers is accessed here:

If you require visa advice you can book a consultation with our Migration Agent. Safe travels!

Entering Australia during COVID

Flights into Australia are capped

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Australian Immigration, Travel and COVID Thu, 07 Jan 2021 11:42:24 +0000 Australian Immigration and COVID The COVID pandemic has undoubtedly shaped Australia’s 2020-21 migration programme. Below, our migration agent Darren Chatt MARN:0211214 outlines some changes we have seen during the COVID pandemic. If you need advice on Australian Immigration and COVID, you can complete our online visa assessment or book a consultation with Darren. Applying onshore is […]

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Australian Immigration and COVID

The COVID pandemic has undoubtedly shaped Australia’s 2020-21 migration programme. Below, our migration agent Darren Chatt MARN:0211214 outlines some changes we have seen during the COVID pandemic.

If you need advice on Australian Immigration and COVID, you can complete our online visa assessment or book a consultation with Darren.

Applying onshore is an advantage

Travel restrictions and mandatory quarantine requirements remain active in Australia. Consequently, most visa holders cannot currently enter Australia, including Skilled Work Regional (subclass 491) and Prospective Marriage (subclass 300) visa holders. This may explain why the Department of Home Affairs is prioritising onshore applicants.

At Visa Go Australia we have been particularly busy with multiple requests and visa grants for our onshore partner visa clients. Some of our clients have received their visas in just half the processing time stated on the Department website.

In addition to faster processing, some onshore applicants have first access to state nomination. Those applying for state nominated skilled visas (subclass 190 and 491) may have noticed that their options are very limited or non-existent if applying offshore. Many states have only reopened to onshore applicants and those nominating PMSOL occupations.

Working in a ‘priority’ occupation

The Priority Migration Skilled Occupation List (PMSOL) identifies Australia’s current skill shortages; occupations which Australia needs to rebuild its economy post-COVID.

Those nominating PMSOL occupations are being priority processed by the Department. For example, we had a recent 190 visa grant for a client who applied as a qualified Midwife.

There are currently 18 occupations on the PMSOL, but these are subject to change and grow as Australia exits recession. Since the list was introduced in September, Social Worker (272511) has been added. The current list is made up of healthcare, IT and construction workers.

Priority Migration Skilled Occupation List (PMSOL):

  • Chief Executive or Managing Director (111111)
  • Construction Project Manager (133111)
  • Mechanical Engineer (233512)
  • General Practitioner (253111)
  • Resident Medical Officer (253112)
  • Psychiatrist (253411)
  • Medical Practitioner nec (253999)
  • Midwife (254111)
  • Registered Nurse (Aged Care) (254412)
  • Registered Nurse (Critical Care and Emergency) (254415)
  • Registered Nurse (Medical) (254418)
  • Registered Nurse (Mental Health) (254422)
  • Registered Nurse (Perioperative) (254423)
  • Registered Nurses nec (254499)
  • Developer Programmer (261312)
  • Software Engineer (261313)
  • Social Worker (272511)
  • Maintenance Planner (312911)

The above list is subject to change – we recommend checking the Department website for the current PMSOL.

Visas are still being processed

In our offices we have seen an abundance of visa grants over the past few months! These include partner, parent and skilled visa clients. Our migration agent Darren Chatt explains,


“I am advising my skilled clients to complete their skills assessment and English test so they are first in the queue for an invitation when the states re-open. Fortunately, most skills assessments and English test are valid for 2-3 years. The demand for skilled visas far outweighs the number of visas available, and it requires real patience, commitment, and knowledge to successfully complete the process. In my 19 years of practicing as a registered migration agent, this is certainly the most challenging time for applicants to secure a visa. However, the fact remains that Australia will need skilled migrants to rebuild their post-COVID economy and applicants need to present the strongest applications for when opportunities arise.”


The best way to secure a visa is to seek professional advice, to ensure you submit a complete application. Australia’s migration program is extensive and dynamic, which is why using an experienced migration agent can give you the best chance of emigrating.

Book a visa consultation today.


Aeroplane and COVID Travel

COVID is impacting Australian Visas and Travel

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